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Mr. Santosh Kumar Panigrahy

Mr. Santosh Kumar Panigrahy

Mr. Santosh Kumar Panigrahy

Independent Director

Mr. Santosh Kumar Panigrahy is an Independent Director on the Board of the Company. He possesses diverse qualifications such as M. Sc. (Physics), PGDM (MBA) in Finance from Xavier Institute of Management, Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers (CAIIB), Advanced Management Programme in Banking at International Management Institute, PG programme in Artificial Intelligence for Leaders and Directors Development Programme (6 months duration) on Board Governance.

Mr. Santosh Kumar Panigrahy, having worked with Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for about 35 years, has handled bank/NBFC supervision and regulation for a significant part of his career. His major contributions include on-site/off-site examination, risk assessments and compliance assessments; supervisory engagements with Boards/Managements for risk mitigation; supervisory data analytics and financial stability studies, stress testing, Policy formulations and numerous other contributions.

He has served in Central Bank of Oman, Sultanate of Oman on deputation from RBI and also served as Regional Director for ‘Gujarat and DNH & DD’, heading the Ahmedabad Office of Reserve Bank of India.

Mr. Santosh Kumar Panigrahy has represented RBI in GoI team for the FATF Plenary in Paris and in Eurasian Group (EAG) event at Sochi, Russia. He headed the RBI contingent in the GoI team for wide-ranging engagements with Financial Action Task Force (FATF) team for Country evaluation of compliance to FATF standards in 2023.

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