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Please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you. Or just call us now.
It has been brought to our notice that certain individuals are receiving fraudulent emails, phone calls, and messages, etc, about job vacancies with Muthoot FinCorp and they are also being asked to deposit money in certain bank accounts.
Please be informed that such communications and practices are completely mala fide and sent with an intent to defraud the public and bring disrepute to the goodwill of our Company. Our Company does not ever demand any fee/money against recruitment nor for the application/interview process.
The public at large is hereby cautioned not to be misled by any such communications received through emails, message or any other communication mode.
Please contact us for further information about the genuineness or otherwise of such communications at:
Muthoot FinCorp Ltd.
MG Road, Near Spencer's, Trivandrum - 695 039
Phone: 0471 4911550 / 0471 4911430